Thenardite Sodium Sulfate


Halotrichite Hydrous iron aluminum sulfate

Caledonite w Linarite Copper Lead Carbonate Sulfate Hydroxide

Cyanotrichite Hydrated Copper Aluminum Sulfate Hydroxide

Chalcanthite Copper Sulfate

Jarosite on quartz Potassium iron sulfate

Jarosite on quartz Potassium iron sulfate

Thaumasite with Prehnite hydrous Calcium Carbonate Sulfate and Silicate

Iron II sulfate

Osarizawaite Hydrous Lead Copper sulfate

Osarizawaite Hydrous Lead Copper sulfate

Barite nodule piece barium sulfate

Barite Barium Sulfate

Barite rose Barium sulfate

Brochantite monolithic hydrous sulfate

kids with message

Green razorfish Xyrichtys splendens

slow computer

Tornado Binger OK 1981

plane tool

November 24

speech circle yellow

smiley disgusted