Calcite Scalenohedra on Galena

Galena with scalenohedrons of Calcite

Galena 2


Galena 3

Hedenbergite variety Coccolite in Calcite

Calcite blue banded

Calcite yellow

Calcite green

Calcite pink and rose

Calcite emerald

Calcite golden

Calcite foreshortened Rhombohedra

Calcite twins

Calcite clear

Calcite prism

Conichalcite w some calcite crystals

Chalcocalcite on calcite

Diopside variety Coccolite in calcite


Spinel Octahedron on Calcite

Monticellite brown crystals in Calcite

Polybasite pseudohexagonal crystals with Calcite

Realgar pinacoids and prisms with Calcite