19th century wealthy street scene

Wild rice harvesting 19th century

double plow 17th century

sixteenth century cannon behind gabions

French gunner 15th century

19th century blast furnace

Genoese Carrack 16th century

ship from the mid 15th century

18th Century chair

Ishtar Lion 5th century BC

costumes of Arab women fourth to sixth century

sakka water carrier Mecca 18th century

Costumes of Arab men fourth to sixth century

19th century train

Greek coin from 6th century BC

Osage Moccasins early 20th century

Quebec in 18th century

trapper mountain man 19th century

comet 19th century

Scriptorium 15th Century

Gettysburg repulse of Longstreets assault

Wall Street palisade 1600s

Wall Street NY 1867

Arch Street Philadelphia first stars and stripes made